Supporting the End of Life

Honoring Life and Death

Just as we plan for many things in life and honor birth, birthdays, holidays and other important events, we have the opportunity to plan for and honor the end of life in a way that is unique and supportive of each individual.

Planning for the end of life is a special way to honor your life or the life of a loved one.

Providing Support Along the Way

Some of the greatest gifts we can offer one another are presence, compassion and support. We are here to support you in the ways you prefer to be supported. We offer a variety of supportive services designed specifically for your unique needs and desires.

hands on a tree

Our Mission

We are on a mission to provide compassion and support for those nearing the end of life and their loved ones.

hands reaching for one another

We are here to help

We provide a variety of supportive services for individuals, families and friends. We work collaboratively with you to craft a plan that fits your unique needs and your place in this journey we call life.

The ones who helped-the only ones who helped me-were the ones who were there. And said nothing. In that nothingness, they did everything.

I am here-I have lived-because they chose to love me. They loved me in their silence, in their willingness to suffer with me, alongside me, and through me. They loved me in their desire to be as uncomfortable, as destroyed, as I was, if only for a week, an hour, even just a few minutes.”

— Tim Lawrence